Why MySQL Quicksand?

Why MySQL Quicksand? Well, that’s easy enough: from experience I’ve learned that the margin between a fully functional MySQL database server and one that’s going into a grinding halt can be a very thin hairline. Getting it back to work may be a hell but it will, most of the time, be very possible to save your server.

Quicksand has the same trouble: it may appear to be quite sold, but a very small disturbance can cause a sudden decrease in viscosity and change it from solid to a liquid like substance. You will sink into it but, generally, not drown. 😉

What will be posted here? Well not everything will be exclusively MySQL but mostly be related to it. You can expect warstories, brainstorms, reposts, links, etc.

My main goal is that whatever I post here will be useful for someone else. 🙂